ullright upgrade log
This document logs changes to files and data outside of the ullXXXPlugins.
These changes have to be executed manually for each customer installation of ullright.
- When a versionable record is deleted, all version data is deleted as well!
TODO:- add soft-delete "deleted" flag to version tables, and if deleted set flag, but do not remove entries
- or: normal soft-delete behaviour for parent model, plus do not delete the version history
- remove mysql dumps
- svn rm --keep-local data/sql/*.mysql.dump.bz2&&svn propedit svn:ignore data/sql/
- svn add --force *&&svn ci -m 'upgrade'
- Support https url generation for cli (sfRouting::fixGeneratedUrl())
Important for newsletter url generation!
dev: server_use_https: false all: server_use_https: true
- update your web/.htaccess with longer cache times and support for woff2 font caching
- also added .webp support
- images in subfolders need separate .htaccess for webp -> @see https://www.ullright.org/ullWiki/show/ullright-responsive-images-rimg-js
Inline Editing CSS renamed classes
- "div.inline_editing, section.inline_editing" has been changed to "inline_border" class
r4336 - Big Web-Tech-Update
Combine and Minify Stylesheets and Javascripts via sfCombinePlugin
- apps/frontend/config/settings.yml
- Add "sfCombine" to "enabled_modules
enabled_modules: [sfCombine, default, ullAdmin, ...
- BTW: remove module "ullCloneUser" if still there
- Add "sfCombine" to "enabled_modules
- apps/frontend/config/app.yml
- Add sfCombine config options
# sfCombine: enabling the plugin will combine script and css files into a single file # Disabled by default, enable it per action e.g. for ullCms/show # @see apps/frontend/modules/ullCms/actions/actions.class.php executeShow() sfCombinePlugin: enabled: false # enabling the plugin will combine script and css files into a single file asset_version: 0 # key to the asset version client_cache_max_age: 10 # enable the browser to keep a copy of the files for x days (false to disable) gzip: true # allow PHP gzipping of the combined JavaScript and CSS files to reduce bandwidth usage url_type: files # can be key, files, or base64 (note files can be buggy without an asset version) filter_include_unused_groups: true # whether to use the filter to include groups that havent been output timestamp: enabled: true # suffix a timestamp where available to files for their asset version uncombinable: true # timestamp files that aren't combinable js: combine: true # whether or not to perform combining actions #combine_skip: ~ # these files will not be combined (necessary when js code is based on js file name) combine_skip: [/ullCorePlugin/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js] include: true # whether to allow the including of files include_suffixes: # suffixes of files that can be included - .php include_skip: ~ # files that should be skipped on includes minify: true # process js files to shrink them minify_method: [sfCombineMinifierJsMin, minify] minify_method_options: [] minify_skip_suffixes: # files with this suffix will not be minified - .min.js minify_skip: ~ # these files will not be minified (useful when code is already minified) filename_comments: true # include filenames of combined files in comments group_files: true # minify all available files together in one minify action cache_minified_files: true # cache minified versions of files (to not minify multiple times) route: sfCombineJs # the route name js files will use inline_minify_method: ~ inline_minify_method_options: ~ css: combine: true # whether or not to perform combining actions combine_skip: ~ # these files will not be combined include: true # whether to allow the including of files include_suffixes: # suffixes of files that can be included - .php include_skip: ~ # files that should be skipped on includes minify: true # process js files to shrink them minify_method: [sfCombineMinifierCssMin, minify] minify_method_options: [] minify_skip_suffixes: # files with this suffix should not be minified - .min.css minify_skip: ~ # these files will not be minified (useful when code is already minified) filename_comments: true # include filenames of combined files in comments group_files: true # minify all available files together in one minify action route: sfCombineCss # the route name css files will use cache_minified_files: true # cache minified versions of files (to not minify multiple times) keep_charset: true # if there is a charset in a css file keep it prepend_imports: true # move all imports to the top of a css file prepend_imports_warning: # if imports are moved a warning to output Imports may be incorrectly placed, please remove for ideal combining inline_minify_method: ~ inline_minify_method_options: ~
- Note that the plugin is disabled by default, because there are some unresolved problems with "backend" actions.
- Enable it per action, e.g. in ullUser/show -> apps/frontend/modules/ullCms/actions/actions.class.php executeShow()
/** * ullCms show action * * @see BaseUllCmsActions::executeShow() */ public function executeShow(sfRequest $request) { // Enable js/css combine if ('prod' === sfConfig::get('sf_environment')) { sfConfig::set('app_sfCombinePlugin_enabled', true); } return parent::executeShow($request); }
- Add sfCombine config options
Template Caching
Enable caching for production environment only:
- apps/frontend/config/settings.yml
prod: .settings: cache: true
Define which modules/actions should be cached
- apps/frontend/config/filters.yml
- Add after i18nFilter:
# Allow to cache only certain module/actions conditionalCache: class: conditionalCacheFilter param: pages: - { module: ullCms, action: show }
Cache Headers
- Add to web/.htaccess
# Caching options as recommended by google <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds" ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff "access plus 604800 seconds" ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 2 seconds" ExpiresByType application/xhtml+xml "access plus 2 seconds" </IfModule> <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\\.(ico|jpe?g|png|gif|swf|woff)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public" </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "\\.(css)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public" </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "\\.(js)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, private" </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "\\.(x?html?|php)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=1, private, must-revalidate" </FilesMatch> Header unset ETag Header unset Last-Modified </IfModule>
Responsive Images using rimg.js
- apt-get install jpegoptim optipng
- apps/frontend/config/app.yml
all: layout: # Breakpoints for responsive images (using rimg.js) responsive_image_widths: [ 384, 600, 768, 1024, 1200] optimize_images: true # From 0 (worst) to 100 (best) resized_images_quality: 75 cache_resized_images: true # Debug: show dimensions in images for responsive images show_resized_image_dimensions: false
- apps/frontend/templates/_html_head.php
<!-- Responsive image loading --> <?php include_partial('default/rimg_js') ?>
- Use ull_image_tag_rimg() helper in templates. Upload the images at least in double resolution.
Added ullCms drag'n'drop sortable of menu items.
How to upgrade: http://www.ullright.org/ullWiki/show/ullcms-migrate-to-drag-n-drop-sortable-of-menu-items
The --less-noisy option was removed from the ull_mail::process-bounced-emails task because it worsened code readability
Added app.yml config option ull_user -> email_unique.
# Force unique email addresses - recommended for ullNewsletter # Note: if you change this setting on an existing installation make sure you run # - publish (inkl. build-model) # - myullright.example.com/ullUser/cleanDuplicateEmails # - php symfony ullright:recreate-foreign-keys # Warning: "ullUser/cleanDuplicateEmails" leaves only the first user active. # All other users with the same emailadress are deactivated and the email removed. email_unique: false
Added ullCms columns "keywords" and "description".
Your should handle them in
- UllCmsItemColumnConfigCollection.class.php and
- UllCmsPageColumnConfigCollection.class.php
Enable them if needed: (Or disable them for legacy projects)
$this->disableAllExceptCommonHiddenAnd(array( 'name', //the "menu title" field 'parent_ull_cms_item_id', 'is_active', 'sequence', 'title', 'body', 'gallery', 'keywords', 'description', 'ull_cms_content_type_id', 'type', ));
And add them to the order:
$this->order(array( array( 'title', 'name', ), ... array( 'duplicate_tags_for_search', 'keywords', 'description', ), array( 'slug', ... ), ));
Furthermore to use the cms-page specific keywords and description you have to
- Add default (fallback) keywords and description in
all: default_html_meta_description: ullright is an opensource platform f... default_html_meta_keywords: ullright, ullCms, ullUser, ullNewsletter...
- Adjust apps/frontend/templates/_html_head(.mobile).php
- Replace the manual meta tags with the include_partial() call:
<!-- custom meta information -->
<meta name="description" content="ullright is an opensource platform f..." /> <meta name="keywords" content="ullright, ullCms, ullUser, ullNewsletter..." /><?php /* Use the following partial to supply custom keywords and description for every CMS-page or otherwise replace it with normal meta tags. Default keywords and description are defined in apps/frontend/config/app.yml */ ?> <?php include_partial('default/html_metas') ?> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" /> ...
- Add the following partial to the top of your ullCms showSuccess.php file:
<?php include_partial('ullCms/cms_html_metas', array('doc' => $doc))?>
ullCourse got some new columns. Disable them if you do not want to use them in the UllCourseColumnConfigCollection:
- ull_course_bank_account_id
- participant_info
/web/js/CKeditor_config. js has been fixed (Plain text paste / Word paste). Please update your local file.
Cleaned up ullCms ColumnConfigs. Please specify explicitly all your cms columns.
Cleaned up plugins and changed svn repo path to svn.ull.at.
You probably need to re-enter your svn password.
For the first developer to update the ullright isntance, the custom repo path is adjusted automatically. Each other developer needs to perform manually:
- svn switch --relocate http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright_xyz/trunk http://svn.ull.at/svn/ullright_xyz/trunk
Move your statements from view.yml to html_head.php.
Here is a up-to-date example of html_head.php. If you use the mobile version, do the same in html_head.mobile.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="<?php echo $sf_user->getCulture() ?>"> <!-- Begin of html head --> <head> <?php /* Load ullright html head statements*/ ?> <?php /* Located in plugins/ullCorePlugin/modules/default/templates/_ullright_html_head.php */ ?> <?php include_partial('default/ullright_html_head')?> <!-- Begin of custom html head statements --> <?php /* Do not use a <title> tag, as this is handled by symfony */ ?> <!-- custom meta information --> <meta name="author" content="Klemens Ullmann-Marx and the ull.at team" /> <meta name="description" content="ullright is an opensource platform for websites & applications initiated by ull.at" /> <meta name="keywords" content="ullright, ullCms, ullUser, ullNewsletter, website, CMS, content management system, email newsletter, framework, ull.at" /> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" /> <meta name="generator" content="ullright"> <!-- Favicon --> <?php /* located in web/images/favicon.ico */ ?> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.ico" /> <!-- ullNews RSS feed --> <?php include_component('ullNews', 'rssFeed') ?> <?php /* Add example website stylesheet */ ?> <?php /* use_stylesheet('/ullCoreTheme' . sfConfig::get('app_theme_package', 'NG') . 'Plugin/css/layout_website.css', 'last', array('media' => 'all')) */?> <?php /* Add the ullright webapp stylesheet */ ?> <?php /* use_stylesheet('/ullCoreTheme' . sfConfig::get('app_theme_package', 'NG') . 'Plugin/css/layout_webapp.css', 'last', array('media' => 'all')) */?> <?php /* Add custom stylesheet */ ?> <?php /* Located in web/css/ */ ?> <?php use_stylesheet('custom.css', 'last', array('media' => 'all')) ?> <?php /* Add global custom javascripts (Uncomment to activate) */?> <?php /* Put files in web/js/ */?> <?php //use_javascript('/js/my_javascript.js') ?> <?php /* Add other html head statements here like webfonts, stats, ... */?> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Metrophobic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <!-- End of custom html head statements --> </head> <!-- End of html head -->
Your view.yml should then look like this:
# ullright does not use view.yml per default. Everything is set in _html_head.php default: has_layout: true layout: layout
Check you apache vhost settings if directory listing for uploads is disabled:
vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/ullright
<Directory /home/ull-at/public_html/web> AllowOverride All Allow from All Options -Indexes </Directory>
Added new plugin "ullCourse"
- Add the plugin to your plugins/ svn:externals and get it
ullCoursePlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullCoursePlugin ullCourseThemeNGPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullCourseThemeNGPlugin
- svn update
- Enable the necessary modules in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
Note: The order is not important.-
enabled_modules: [... , ullCourse, ullCourseBooking, ...]
- Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullCoursePlugin/web ullCoursePlugin
- ln -s ../plugins/ullCourseThemeNGPlugin/web ullCourseThemeNGPlugin
- svn add ullCourse*
- cd ..
Run your upgrade script or do manually
php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters
php symfony doctrine:migrate
php symfony ullright:migrate-data
- Note: if you did not enable the ullCourse modules in settings.yml before performing "svn update", ullCourse base data will not be loaded. You can do that manually later on by executing:
- php symfony ull_course:load-ull-course-base-data
Things you may want to customize:
- apps/frontend/config/appl.yml settings
- See available options at http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/apps/frontend/config/app.yml#L157
- Various templates by putting a overrule file in apps/frontend/module/ullCourse
- plugins/ullCoursePlugin/modules/ullCourse/templates/
- _bookedMail.php
- _cancelMail.php
- _genericMail.php
- _paymentReceivedMail.php
- showSuccess.php
- plugins/ullCoursePlugin/modules/ullCourse/templates/
Introducing an improved structure for html head.
Two new files are automatically dowloaded when upgrading:
- apps/frontend/templates/_html_head.php
- apps/frontend/templates/_html_head.mobile.php
Checklist for upgrade:
- Move your custom html head statements from the layouts to these files
- apps/frontend/templates/layout.php
- apps/frontend/templates/layout.mobile.php
- Comment the RSS feed out if you don't need it
- Uncomment the ullright webapp stylesheet if you use it. You need this if you did not supply a custom layout.
Only the include of the new html head partial remains in the layouts. The 'html_head' slot is obsolete now.
Example of how a layout should look like now:
<?php include_partial('global/html_head') ?> <?php /* The statement above loads the html head */ ?> <?php /* The file is located in apps/frontend/templates/_html_head.php */ ?> <!-- Begin of html body --> ...
The "ullright:migrate-pre-build-model" task has been modified to use a file instead of database storage.
Therefore a typical upgrade script could now look like this (Note the modified order of commands):
#!/bin/bash # echo 'Do a complete refresh (svn update, load production db, migrate)' svn update php symfony cache:clear php symfony ullright:migrate-pre-build-model php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters php symfony cache:clear php symfony ullright:get-and-load-production-database php symfony ullright:get-production-uploads php symfony doctrine:migrate php symfony ullright:migrate-custom php symfony ullright:migrate-data php symfony project:permissions
By the way: see the updated migration documentation for details.
Introducing new migration system and cleaning up a ullFlow model delete problem.
Instead of your regular update procedure, perform:
- svn update
- plugins/ullCorePlugin/batch/introduce_new_migrations.sh
If you have a upgrade script note that the ullright:custom-migrate task has been renamed to ullright:migrate-custom
Then if you have a upgrade script add the "ullright:migrate-pre-build-model" task before the doctrine:build-model task, and the "ullright:migrate-data" task right at the end of your procedure.
Finally run your normal upgrade procedure.
Here is a typical upgrade script in batch/refresh_completely.sh
#!/bin/bash # echo 'Do a complete refresh (svn update, load production db, migrate)' svn update php symfony cache:clear php symfony ullright:get-and-load-production-database php symfony ullright:get-production-uploads php symfony ullright:migrate-pre-build-model php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters php symfony cache:clear php symfony doctrine:migrate php symfony ullright:migrate-custom php symfony ullright:migrate-data php symfony project:permissions
Implemented new and improved ullFlow access system. @see: http://www.ullright.org/ullWiki/show/ullflow-access-rights-explained
The old system using UllFlowAppPermission and UllPermission has been removed. Configure new access rights as explained in the wiki document above when necessary.
We now use a thumbnailer to create openOffice doc thumbnails:
- sudo aptitude install ooo-thumbnailer
If your uploads/ dir is currently inlcuded in subversion, here is how to exclude it:
- svn remove http://server/svn/ullright_my_project/trunk/web/uploads -m "Removed upload dir from versioning"
- rm -rf web/uploads/
- mkdir web/uploads
- svn update
- svn propedit svn:ignore web
- svn commit web/ -m "Ignore uploads"
- php symfony ullright:get-production-uploads
- php symfony project:permissions
Added some additional UllUser fields (personal contact data, tagging).
If you don't need them disable these columns in apps/frontend/lib/generator/columnConfigCollection/UllUserColumnConfigCollection.class.php as follows:
protected function applyCustomSettings() { parent::applyCustomSettings(); $this->disable(array( 'title', 'birth_date', 'street', 'post_code', 'city', 'country', 'phone_number', 'fax_number', 'website', 'duplicate_tags_for_search', )); ... }
Here are the necessary apps/frontend/config/app.yml settings for ullMail / ullNewsletter:
ull_newsletter: from_address: newsletter@example.com from_name: Example Newsletter ull_mail: bounce_mail_address: bounce@example.com bounce_mailbox_base: '{imap.example.com}' bounce_inbox_folder: 'INBOX' bounce_handled_folder: 'INBOX.processed' bounce_unprocessable_folder: 'INBOX.unprocessable' bounce_username: 'user' bounce_password: 'password' bounce_deactivation_threshold: 3
Create cryptografic key for ullCrypt. This library is used to create secure url parameters.
Read more here. Currently used for ullNewsletter
php symfony ullright:generate-crypto-key frontend
The support for automated encyption of url params requires a custom routing class which needs to be added to apps/frontend/config/factories.yml:
all: routing: class: ullRouting param: generate_shortest_url: true extra_parameters_as_query_string: true
Add the following line to apps/frontend/config/apps.yml to prevent getting spammed with bcc debug mails:
prod: mailing: # blacklist of ullsfMail "slugs" (no bcc debug copy sent for these) debug_cc_exclude_list: [ 'ull_newsletter' ]
Refactored and simplified layouts and CSS.
The app.yml option "override_css" has been removed. Include custom stylesheets in your layout at /apps/frontend/templates/layout.php.
Also the stylesheets have been cleaned up. You can read more about the layout and css structure here:
#/apps/frontend/templates/layout.php <?php slot('html_head') ?> .... <?php /* Load the default ullright layout css if you're building on it */ ?> <?php use_stylesheet('/ullCoreThemeNGPlugin/css/layout_webapp.css', 'last', array('media' => 'all')) ?> <?php /* Add custom stylesheet */ ?> <?php /* Located in web/css/ */ ?> <?php use_stylesheet('custom.css', 'last', array('media' => 'all')) ?> <?php end_slot() ?>
ullright now needs mcrypt for PHP:
sudo aptitude install php5-mcrypt
app.yml now supports the server_name variable which should contain the fully qualified host name of the ullright installation. This is used in cases where the server name cannot be read during execution.
Example app.yml configuration:
all: #The following server name is used in situations where #a server name cannot be determined automatically, e.g. #when mailing from the command line server_name: www.example.com
- Disable the doctrine profiler for performance and memory usage reasons everywhere except for the "dev" environmentin config/databases.yml
### prod Environment prod: ullright: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: dsn: 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ullright' username: ullright password: 'secretpass' # Deactivate doctrine profiler. Consumes a lot of memory eg. for inserts profiler: false
- added the ullMail plugin
- Add the plugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
ullMailPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullMailPlugin ullMailThemeNGPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullMailThemeNGPlugin
- svn update
- Enable the necessary modules in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
Note: The order is not important.-
enabled_modules: [default, ... , ullMail, ullNewsletter, ...]
- php symfony cache:clear
Rebuild models
php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters
Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullMailPlugin/web ullMailPlugin
- ln -s ../plugins/ullMailThemeNGPlugin/web ullMailThemeNGPlugin
- svn add ullMail*
- cd ..
- Run migrations
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
- Recreate constraintes
- php symfony ullright:recreate-foreign-keys
- Add the plugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
- app.yml can now be overridden locally for development:
- In apps/frontend/config: rename app.local.yml.dist to app.local.yml and edit the file according to your requirements
- values set there will override their equivalent in app.yml
- Add app.local.yml to svn:ignore
- Remove duplicate entries from the custom config/rsync_exlude.txt in comparison to the global one in plugins/ullCorePlugin/config/rsync_exclude.txt
- In apps/frontend/config: rename app.local.yml.dist to app.local.yml and edit the file according to your requirements
- ullright tests have been moved to their respective plugins. Remove everything but your own tests in the test/ directory
- ullFlow now supports due dates. To use this functionality, you need to:
- insert into: apps/frontend/config/app.yml after ull_news and before publish:
ull_flow: # ullFlowDocs can have a due date. If this parameter # is set to a positive integer, reminder emails # are sent out <x> days before the due date expires. # If this parameter is set to 0, the reminder mailing # functionality is disabled (Note: this has no influence # on overdue notification mails, those are independent). # If this parameter is not set or < 0, 2 is assumed. due_date_reminder_period: 3
- add a column to each application which should support due dates (Admin -> Manage columns -> Create)
- must be of DateTime type
- must have ''Is due date column?' activated
- insert into: apps/frontend/config/app.yml after ull_news and before publish:
- Changed convention for custom translations. @see: http://www.ullright.org/ullWiki/show/docid/189
If you have custom translations in apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml you have to move them to apps/frontend/i18n/custom.de.xml and update the dictionary in the translation helper calls.
Create symlink to ullCore messages.de.xml:
ln -s ../../../plugins/ullCorePlugin/i18n/messages.de.xml apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
svn add apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
Remove apps/frontend/i18n/common.de.xml symlink:
svn rm apps/frontend/i18n/common.de.xml
- If you use a custom layout:
- added class tag to body which shows the current module and action
- the body tag should be changed to:
<body class="<?php echo sfInflector::underscore($sf_context->getModuleName()) . '_' . $sf_context->getActionName(); ?>">
- Fix the sfFormExtraPlugin entry in the svn:externals property of plugins/:
sfFormExtraPlugin http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfFormExtraPlugin/branches/1.3
- svn update
- added the ullBooking plugin
- Follow the guide on how to install new plugins
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
<trans-unit id="13"> <source>The date must be before %max%.</source> <target>Das Datum muss vor dem %max% liegen.</target> </trans-unit>
- Introduced mobile layout
- Copy the following two files to apps/frontend/templates/
- Renamed ullMetaWidgetFullPhoneNumber to ullMetaWidgetPhoneNumber
- Option default_country_code adds a default country code (e.g. '+43') to allow a number without the country code
- Deleted ullMetaWidgetMobileNumber. Use ullMetaWidgetPhoneNumber
- Renamed PhoneNumber widget and meta-widget to PhoneExtension
- Added sign up functionality
If you don't want to use it, you have to disable it in apps/frontend/config/app.yml "ull_user -> enable_sign_up"
Reference: http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/apps/frontend/config/app.yml
- Add the ullCmsPlugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
ullCmsPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullCmsPlugin ullCmsThemeNGPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullCmsThemeNGPlugin
- svn update
- Enable ullCms module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCloneUser, ullCms, ullCore, ullFlow, ullOrgchart, ullPhoto, ullPhone, ullTableTool, ullText, ullTime, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
Rebuild models
php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters
Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullCmsPlugin/web ullCmsPlugin
- ln -s ../plugins/ullCmsThemeNGPlugin/web ullCmsThemeNGPlugin
- svn add ullCms*
- cd ..
- Run migrations
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
- Recreate foreign keys using
- php symfony ullright:recreate-foreign-keys
- ullFlow -> ullTime integration. Follow these steps to track effort for workflows
- Admin -> ullFlow columns -> add a "ullProject" to your workflow
- Type: "UllProject"
- Options: "add_empty=true model=UllProject"
- Mandatory: true
- Is project column: true
- Admin -> ullFlow app
- Enter effort: true
- Admin -> ullFlow columns -> add a "ullProject" to your workflow
- Admin -> UllUserStatus: rename Separated to "Inactive" with slug "inactive"
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
<trans-unit id="12"> <source>Contains invalid characters.</source> <target>Enthält ungültige Zeichen.</target> </trans-unit>
- Removed ParentUllEntity model
- Remove generated files:
- php symfony ullright:delete_model_classes UllParentEntity ullCorePlugin
- Remove generated files:
- Removed support for custom UllEntity schema
UllEntity is now provided in ullCorePlugin instead of ParentUllEntity- Remove UllEntity schema in config/doctrine/schema.yml
- Remove old generated files:
- php symfony ullright:delete_model_classes UllEntity
- Clear cache
- php symfony cache:clear
- Rebuild models
- php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration clean up taggable
Removed publish and database dump batch scripts + config options.
- Transfer the settings from the *.txt files in config/ to apps/frontend/config/app.yml:
all: publish: # Set the following options if you want to use the ullright:publish task server_name: my-server.example.com user_name: my_username target_dir: /var/www/ullright_my_company
- Run the following task to delete the old files
- php symfony ullright:r1554
Upgrade to symfony 1.3
Attention: If you haven't upgraded to the latest ullright revision with symfony 1.2 (r1530) you have to change you svn locations to branches/ullright_with_sf12, update, run migrations, and than switch back to trunk.
Update the plugins/ svn:externals:
Remove dkGeshiPlugin and also delete the directory (Preferable at the command line)
rm plugins/dkGeshiPlugin/ -rf
Replace "doctrine:" with real database name e.g. "ullright_myCompany:"
The location of the symfony libs has changed. Set the svn:external property of lib/vendor to
svn update
Update the symfony lib path in config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
$sf_symfony_lib_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/vendor/symfony/lib');
Remove some old model files
svn rm lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllTableConfig.class.php lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllTableConfigTable.class.php lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllColumnConfig.class.php lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllColumnConfigTable.class.php
php symfony cache:clear
Rebuild model classes
php symfony doctrine:build --model --forms --filters
Run the upgrade1.3 task
php symfony project:upgrade1.3
Answer the following question with no:
Would you like to force YAML to be parsed with the 1.1 specification? (Y/n)
Reset the migration version because symfony 1.3 has a new system
php symfony ullright:fake-migration-version 0
Run migrations
php symfony doctrine:migrate
ullWiki deleted_at migration
php symfony cache:clear
Don't forget to commit the changes into your repository
- app.yml: "supported_languages" is now under the sub-key "i18n" and must be given as array
all: i18n: supported_languages: [ 'en', 'de' ]
Changed a config option name in app.yml:
- "phone_book_columns" is now "phone_book_show_columns"
Error pages (404 and 500)
- Add link to 500-page:
- cd apps/frontend/config
- ln -s ../../../plugins/ullCoreThemeNGPlugin/config/error error
- edit apps/frontend/config/app.yml - add to all: section (customize as needed):
error_404_text: 'If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact helpdesk@example.com.' error_500_text: 'If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact it.department@example.com.'
- apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml - add translations
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 062 - add UllUserStatus->is_absent
Check your UllUserStatus table. Set "is_absent" to true for stati like 'maternity leave', 'military service', etc.
- Enable ullOrgchart module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCloneUser, ullCore, ullFlow, ullOrgChart, ullTableTool, ullText, ullTime, ullPhone, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
- Add ullOrgchart to the main navigation
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 060 - ullOrgchart access check
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 053 - add mobile number to UllUser
Migration 054 - change contact data
Migration 055 - add ullPhone access checks
Migration 056 - add ullUser popup access checks
Migration 057 - add additional columns to UllUser
Migration 058 - add limited access to ullAdmin for UserAdmin group
Migration 059 - add last_name_first column to UllUser
Migration 060 - populate last_name_first column
- Enable ullCloneUser module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCloneUser, ullCore, ullFlow, ullTableTool, ullText, ullTime, ullPhone, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
- Add the ullPhonePlugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
ullPhonePlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullPhonePlugin ullPhoneThemeNGPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullPhoneThemeNGPlugin
- svn update
- Enable ullPhone module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCore, ullFlow, ullTableTool, ullText, ullTime, ullPhone, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
Rebuild models
php symfony doctrine:build-model
Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullPhonePlugin/web ullPhonePlugin
- ln -s ../plugins/ullPhoneThemeNGPlugin/web ullPhoneThemeNGPlugin
- svn add ullPhone*
- cd ..
- If you're using custom ullNamedQueries you have to change the signature of the method modifyQuery().
This is necessary as we use ullNamedQueries both with Doctrine_Querys and ullQueries at the moment.- currently:
public function modifyQuery(Doctrine_Query $q)
- change it to:
public function modifyQuery($q)
- currently:
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact helpdesk@example.com. Falls Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, kontaktieren Sie bitte helpdesk@example.de.If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact it.department@example.com. Falls das Problem weiter auftritt, kontaktieren Sie bitte it.department@example.de.
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 049 remove is_in_list column from ullFlowColumnConfig
svn rm lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllTableConfigTable.class.php
svn rm lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/base/BaseUllTableConfig.class.php
r1165, 1167
Added ullPhoto module to handle user photos
- Add sfImageTransformPlugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
sfImageTransformPlugin http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfImageTransformPlugin/tags/sfImageTransformPlugin-1.1.0
- svn update
- Install php5-gd
- sudo aptitude install php5-imagick
- sudo apache2ctl restart
- Enable ullPhoto module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCore, ullFlow, ullPhoto, ullTableTool, ullText, ullTime, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
Rebuild models
php symfony doctrine:build-model
- Migration 047: add ullUser->photo column
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
r1143, r1156
- Add the ullTimePlugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
ullTimePlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullTimePlugin ullTimeThemeNGPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullTimeThemeNGPlugin
- svn update
- Enable ullTime module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCore, ullFlow, ullTableTool, ullText, ullTime, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
Rebuild models
php symfony doctrine:build-model
Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullTimePlugin/web ullTimePlugin
- ln -s ../plugins/ullTimeThemeNGPlugin/web ullTimeThemeNGPlugin
- svn add ullTime*
- cd ..
- Add the ullTimeIcon to the top navigation
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 044/045 add ullTime tables/fixtures
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 043 remove old column config
- Provide and migrate the custom "named" queries on the ullFlow index action.
Reference: Changeset http://trac.ullright.org/changeset/1099- Remove apps/frontend/modules/ullFlow/lib/UllFlowCustomQueries.class.php
- Add apps/frontend/modules/ullFlow/lib/ullNamedQueriesUllFlowCustom.class.php
- Add apps/frontend/modules/ullFlow/lib/ullNamedQueryUllFlowXXX.class.php classes foreach named query
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 041,042 ullflow sluggify
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 040 re-added string metawidget
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 038,039 -sluggify UllSelect and ullVentory
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 037 - add item attribute options column
r1044, r1045
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 035,036 - recreate foreign keys + register float widget
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
"%value%" has too many decimal places (%max_decimals% max). "%value%" besitzt zuviele Nachkommastellen (max. %max_decimals%).
Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullVentoryPlugin/web ullVentoryPlugin
- svn add ullVentoryPlugin
Fix ullFlow documents (last action)
- php symfony ullright:fix-ullflowdoc-action
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 033,034 - added UllVentory dummy user and access check
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 031,032 - add UllVentorySoftwareLicense columns supplier, comment and delivery_date
To enable the new ullVentory module:
- Add the ullVentoryPlugin to your plugins/ svn:externals:
ullVentoryPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullVentoryPlugin ullVentoryThemeNGPlugin http://bigfish.ull.at/svn/ullright/trunk/plugins/ullVentoryThemeNGPlugin
- svn update
- Enable ullVentory module in apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the key "enabled_modules":
enabled_modules: [default, ullAdmin, ullCore, ullFlow, ullTableTool, ullText, ullUser, ullVentory, ullWiki]
- php symfony cache:clear
- Add "web" symlinks
- cd web
- ln -s ../plugins/ullVentoryThemeNGPlugin/web ullVentoryThemeNGPlugin
- ln -s ../plugins/sfFormExtraPlugin/web/ sfFormExtraPlugin
- svn add ullVentoryThemeNGPlugin
- svn add sfFormExtraPlugin
- Add the ullVentoryIcon to the top navigation
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 030 - ullVentory
- Enable a performance improvment introduced in symfony 1.2.7
Add to apps/frontend/config/settings.yml under the section all / .settings:-
# Cache settings lazy_cache_key: on # Delays creation of a cache key until after checking whether an action or partial is cacheable
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 020-025 - Wiki access levels
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
An object with the same "%column%" already exist. Dieser Wert muss eindeutig sein, ist aber bereits vergeben.
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
The date must be after %min%. Das Datum muss nach dem %min% liegen.
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 019 - Add percentage widget
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 017 - Drop Versionable tables (will delete scheduled updates and version history!)
Migration 018 - Add SuperVersionable tables, initial super-versions
- remove useless web/css/main.css
- Provide a custom override css in web/css/custom_override.css.
- This css file is loaded at the last position. It allow customers to make tweaks to the provided css files without creating a completely new theme.
- You can download a default custom_override.css here:
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 016 - Add is_public flag to ullFlow
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
"%value%" is not an integer. "%value%" ist keine Ganzzahl.
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 015 - Made user superior field not mandatory
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 013 - add versioning (tables, columns)
Migration 014 - fake initial version for versioning objects
- apps/frontend/config/filter.yml
- remove "refererFilter"
- apps/frontend/config/filter.yml: add new filter between security: ~ and i18n:
inactive_users: class: inactiveUserFilter
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 012 - add ullgroup cc
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 009 - add slug column to user status
Migration 010 - adjust user status id column, create status slugs, set default status to active
Migration 011 - add add_empty fields to some fk widgets
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 008 - add mass superior change permission
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 007 - add country widget, cc
- php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 006 - ullWiki Permissions
php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 004 - add user status table, cc, ...
Migration 005 - add user status content (active, maternity leave, ...)
php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 002 - adjust column config db_column_name length
Migration 003 - add user fields
add tables and keys
add user columns
add column configs
php symfony doctrine:migrate
Migration 001 - add sex widget
add 'sex' column to ull_entity
- add ullMetaWidgetSex to column types
- add new column 'sex' for ullUser with type ullMetaWiget
Since revision 681 ullright uses migrations.
Symfony expects the migration classes to live in lib/migration/doctrine, but since we store them in the ullCorePlugin, a symbolic link needs to be created.
- cd lib/migration
- rm doctrine -r
- ln -s ../../plugins/ullCorePlugin/lib/migrations doctrine
- fix target of web/sf softlink:
- ln -s ../plugins/ullCorePlugin/lib/vendor/symfony/data/web/sf/ sf
- remove invalid softlinks in web/
- deleted web/js (old jquery + jquery ui)
- (current versions are now in ullCore plugin and ullCore theme folders)
- rm config/doctrine/schema.yml.dist
- Use (and customize) http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/config/doctrine/schema.yml instead.
- php symfony doctrine:build-model
- Remove old model files
- rm lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllEntity.class.php
- rm lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/UllEntityTable.class.php
- rm lib/model/doctrine/ullCorePlugin/base/BaseUllEntity.class.php
- added to: apps/frontend/i18n/messages.de.xml
additional fix: the above trans-unit has a typo in the id, should be 3, not 2. Required. PflichtfeldInvalid. Ungültig
- remove svn:external property from "lib/vendor" directory
- delete "lib/vendor/symfony"
- change path to symfony libs in config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
- $sf_symfony_lib_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../plugins/ullCorePlugin/lib/vendor/symfony/lib');
ALTER TABLE `ullright_test`.`ull_entity` DROP FOREIGN KEY `ull_entity_ibfk_1`, DROP FOREIGN KEY `ull_entity_ibfk_2`;
INSERT INTO ull_column_type (namespace,class,label,created_at,updated_at,creator_user_id,updator_user_id) VALUES ('ullCore', 'ullMetaWidgetDate